Friday, July 11, 2008

A Beautiful Princess and a Tub of Cool Whip.

Sounds kinky, doesn't it? I can only imagine the hits I'm going to receive from people looking for porn.

She didn't eat the whole tub, she is just licking the bowl. We made a really good chocolate pie that my mom gave me the recipe for. Notice Brooke and Ryan, waiting patiently, hoping she'll share.Not a chance.
Then to burn off some of the extra energy from the chocolate, she decided to dance like a princess.
Her balance is impeccable.
So precise are her movements.
With a big finish at the end.Then back to the cool whip tub to see if there's any left.
Yesterday was my mother-in-law's birthday. We had a little get together at our house last night. Even though we grilled the steaks outside and I only used one burner on the stove, our house was like an oven. We only have AC upstairs in our bedroom, provided by a window unit. We would like to get one for downstairs also but are trying to hold out until next year. We have already spent so much money on home improvement that we are at our limit (and then some).

Gas and grocery prices aren't helping matters at all.

The house actually came with a window unit for the kitchen but that thing went straight to the dump. I don't know what year it was made but it was the biggest air conditioner I have ever seen. Here is actually a photo of it. See it sitting on the desk to the left? You can't even see it all, that is only half of it. I can only imagine how much electricity it took to power that dinosaur.

Today is also a very sticky, humid day. I don't know why I am even sitting at this computer because I know it is throwing off some serious heat, and I could be napping upstairs with the kids.

I know the heat is adding to the kids poor temperament and it's not making me feel any less grouchy either. While I was cleaning up the kitchen this morning, I kept noticing a wine glass (from the party) with one tiny drop of wine left in the bottom. With a baby hanging on each leg and Ashlyn whining that she wanted more milk, it was sure a good thing I did not have access to any alcohol.

And seriously, could you listen to this all day without popping a cork (literally and figuratively)?

Thank God I have this guy to come home and save me at 5 pm every evening.

Please ignore our messy, disaster of a kitchen. A big change from the photo before we moved in, huh? It doesn't always look like that. Only about 90% of the time.


Evan, Mindy, Denver, and Makenna said...

I can't imgaine not having AC! Denver and I ran errands today and it was so hot and sticky; we both were very happy to be home and out of that heat. I loved the video of Lance and the kids! Seeing Lance play with them brought me back to the NICU when you were all there and when we'd chat. I'm so happy the kids did so well!

Dorinda said...

I am sooo not sure why I watched the video of Ryan - I mean, I can make my own - it sounds exactly the same. Wonder why? Hmmm, must be the age :)

Yikes about the AC. I don't know how you're surviving!! But at least Ashlyn looks adorable.

The girls are doing well in their new room. They haven't seemed to notice the change - they been through so much lately what's a new room?? As for the colors, in my "former" life I LOVED to decorate and paint and color. Nothing can be a plain wall and it certainly can't be white but unfortunately, I've not painted for two years :( Any idea why??

Dorinda said...

P.S. The "thing" outfits came from Universal Studios when we were in FL. They go up to Thing 4 but not Thing 5 so the bigger kids didn't get one but you could get one for all 4 :) I'd check out their website or search the internet Totally awesome outfits - I'm sooo glad we got them (we debated for a while whether we should or not because they weren't cheap).