Today we got out of the house bright and early. If it weren't for the outrageous gas prices and the lack of funds, we would go out a lot more. But, like I hear from my mom and mother-in-law, "when their kids were little they never went anywhere either". When you are a stay home mom, and live in the country, and don't have a ton of money, you stay home. Then you get creative, or in my mom's case you stay busy.......and find out when your kids are grown......they did lots of stuff they weren't supposed to do. I'm sure that also happened in my mother-in-laws case. If you know Lance and his siblings you are shaking your head yes as you read this.
This morning, we went to return the movies and play at the park. We had a picnic and then went for ice cream. The kids had a blast and fell happily to sleep the minute we got home. The babies actually woke up happy and had a great time playing in Ashlyn's tent while she was asleep. The tent is pitched in the living room.They had so much fun. They would run across the room and give me a kiss and then run back to the tent and pile in. Here, Brooke is actually trying to kiss Ryan. Yes, you heard me, they are actually starting to kiss each other. They hug too. It is so beautiful it sometimes makes me want to cry.
Here are a few tickle shots. It was a really fun day and I might actually miss them when we go away this weekend. Lance and I are spending a night away for our upcoming anniversary. We are celebrating 12 years. That's another roller coaster I could talk about.
Especially love the made up couldcarelessedness! You are funny!! I'm glad they turned the happiness corner. We live way out in the country too (though possibly not as far as you guys), and I think it helps my kiddos if we just spend the morning outside. Even with 90 degree temps, with the right amount of hydration they are good to go out there all morning long.
You are NOT a bad mom! You are totally normal. Some days are frustrating and some aren't. They are kids, we are human.
Love your kids, forgive yourself. Each day is new and each day will get better. You know this. Ashlyn is certainly easier then a few years ago. Stick with your routine and eventually (when we're old and 80 and wondering how in the world they grew up so fast) things will be better :)
Always here for ya!!
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