Friday, July 18, 2008


Mostly I'm glad it's Friday because I get to go to work tomorrow. I love Saturdays!!

Yesterday, Ashlyn was still obsessing about the skunk, or "stunk" as she calls it. She was even worried about her cousins (Riley and Amanda)that live just across the cornfield from us. She asked if their house has a door that they can close to keep the "stunk" out. We have seen no evidence of out little critter since that day which I appreciate very much.

Ashlyn had a really fun day yesterday with her cousins. It was my niece Morgan's 10th birthday. I'm sure my sister agrees that its unbelievable that she is already 10. They went to the lake and then had ice cream. Ashlyn is the one in the pink tube on the left. The green is Nicholas (Morgan's brother), Morgan is the one without a tube, Elisabeth is the other pink one (she is my oldest brother's daughter), then her brother Bennett is in the blue one, and Kayla (Morgan's sister) is the blue one with flowers, and Nathan (my other brother's son) is behind the blue tube. Yesterday morning I got the pleasure of having my ovaries scanned. It was a blast let me tell you. When they tell me to drink 4, eight oz glasses of water, I drink 2 and I still felt like I was going to pee my pants. Then I got to lay flat on my back for about half an hour while the tech pressed the wand into my painfully full bladder. The reason for the scan is to hopefully find a cyst and nothing serious. I've been having some swelling, a little pain and a lot of feeling like there's a balloon in my belly. I've had cysts before but the symptoms weren't quite the same and didn't last this long. I'm not letting myself worry too much yet but am a little upset that I will probably not find out the results of my scan until Monday. I absolutely hate how our health care system works in cases like this. For me, to not even be able to see what is inside my own body while a tech does the scan, then I know she is not allowed to tell me what she sees or thinks it is (they could get fired for this), she takes her photos to the radiologist who reviews them and writes up a report. Then, the radiologist is swamped and usually goes in order of urgency. Since I still have not heard anything I'm guessing that it's nothing too serious. Still I would like to know. It's driving me crazy and I haven't slept well in about a week. I've always thought that our bodies should have a window so that we can just look inside and see what is going on in there. I'll tell you something really funny. The whole time I was laying on the table it was like deja vu from when I was pregnant. I kept thinking "if she tells me there is a baby in there I'm going to die". I'm pretty sure that news would not have waited until Monday.

1 comment:

MaryBeth said...

Hope you get a good report. I'm sorry you've been having troubles! I totally agree TGIF!!