Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Daddy's Little Helper.

Give a child peas and she may hide them under her butt (refer to previous post).Teach a child to plant peas...............and she will eat peas for a lifetime.


MaryBeth said...

That's the effect we're hoping our little garden will have on Ella and the gang!

Christie said...

Let's hope so! That's a great idea. I think I'll try that later, although my trio may eat the plant. Does that count?

Dorinda said...

You go girl! I can kill anything green. Anything. That whole going green thing? Lost on me. If the world ends I'll be at your place eating peas :)

Cadi + 4 said...

Me, also not so good with the growing things. That's why Lance does the whole garden thing. I've only managed to grow tomatoes and they are pretty darn easy.

We should have peas, tomatoes, potatoes, beens, corn, and squash if they all come up, that is. Dorinda, you are welcome any time.

Christie, the plant is probably just as nutritious.
