Thursday, July 02, 2009

Day 3 of vacation.

This is Storybook Land. This was not Ashlyn's first trip to this magical land.Here she is on the very same horse 4 years ago. She was only 3 months old. Doesn't she look like a baby doll? Here is Brooke's turn on the horse. By the way, if you aren't familiar with Storybook Land, its a park with statues of the classic stories. It really a great place to spend a day or two. There are lots of other things to do too.Gaby.Ryan.Here is a group shot. Riley and Amanda came too. No one would stand by the Cowardly Lion or the Wicked witch. They all kept looking behind them to make sure no one was moving.There are 2 rides at the end of the park. A carousel and a spinning ride that goes up and is supposed to resemble a balloon ride. Of course all the kids said the rides were their favorite part. There was also a little train that took you around the park. I think the train ride was their second favorite.If you're wondering why Gaby is the only one wearing a hat, its because she has such thin hair on top of her head and we didn't want her scalp to burn.
After the park, we stayed overnight at a hotel. It was Ashlyn's 3rd time staying overnight but the others had never been to a hotel. They had a great time. We swam in the pool (which I just realized I forgot to take any pictures). The room we rented had a king sized bed, a queen, and a pull out sofa. Lance and Ryan slept in the queen. Gaby, Brooke and I slept in the king, and Ashlyn slept in a big overstuffed armchair with an ottoman, pushed right next to Lance. They did really well until Brooke started screaming at about 6 am. She was crying asking "daddy, where are you going?" I think she had a bad dream. Or she caught Lance trying to escape the madness. We did have a good time over all but there were many difficult moments too. How many of you would dare to take 3 two year olds on an overnight vacation?


MaryBeth said...

I must be crazy because I took my crew 4,2,2,2 on a 7 hour trip to the beach for a week without my husband. I did have one friend go with me and we met another friend there... except the friend already there has 7 year old twins and a 3 year old herself. It was crazy I tell ya, but lots of good fun too!

Dorinda said...

Good for you guys - getting out with all of them :) Yea!

Ashlyn was too cute as your one and only. And I love all the dresses the cousins were wearing - so sweet.