Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Eat, Drink, and be Merry.

This is a new bib that we are test driving. It is made by Baby Bjorn and I ordered them from Target. I am so tired of picking up food off the floor after the babies eat. Also they keep taking their bibs off, creating an even bigger mess because then they get their clothes dirty. I have mountains of laundry as it is. (If you happened to notice that my children mostly wear pajamas, this is why. They are nice and warm in the winter, so we just change their diapers, and they wear the same clothes day and night, between baths).

So far, they love the bibs. As you can see, they think that the proper use of this garment, is a feed bag. They walk around eating cheerios out of them. The bibs are made of a softer plastic and have a molded lip at the bottom for catching crumbs. Once they are done eating you can just rinse them and hang them to dry (the bibs, not the kids). The neck has a connector that makes it pretty hard for any baby to remove them. We'll see how long that lasts. So far, so good. They also come in lots of bright colors.We have 3 little winos in the making. One night the babies were disguising their sippy cups by putting them in boots and then drinking out of them.
Here Ashlyn is practicing her yoga moves. Lately, I have been making an attempt to get back to my former, and better habits. Namely meaning exercise. Try enjoying the serenity of yoga in a calm, relaxing atmosphere. If you can do all of that and not bust out in laughter while watching her do this, you're better than me. This isn't even the best part. Whenever I am in any position that requires me to get down on the floor, she is either crawling under me or trying to lay on me. At least she keeps me motivated. At least 3 times a day she asks me if we are going to do our "estersizes".

1 comment:

MaryBeth said...

How funny!! I sure wish Ella was motivating me to do some "estercizing"!!