Thursday, January 22, 2009

We're still alive.

Even though it was 20 degrees below zero here recently, our kids and I all had a really nasty stomach flu (picture 3 out of 4 kids puking at the same time, Ryan luckily had it first and he was done by the time the girls got it), we've gotten a ton of snow in the past month, mommy has been working extra hours and daddy has been traveling for few work conferences....we are still alive.

Sorry for the lack of posts but if I do even sit down to the computer it's either to check my emails quick or pay bills.

To bring you up to speed, the kids are doing pretty well in the toddler beds. Ashlyn loves being in the little kids room but sometimes doesn't let them sleep when they want to. The little bit of hassle it brings is worth it to see the kids bonding together and Ashlyn feeling like she's part of the group. Nap times are a struggle. The kids just don't want to settle down right away and we used to just zip them up and walk away. It was nice to have a good 2-3 hours to get something done in the house. Now we have to devote 30-45 minutes trying to get them to sleep and that leaves less time for anything else.

The potty training is making progress but I think it will still be a while before its complete. The girls usually wear training pants all day except to sleep, and they stay dry most of the time. Ryan usually chooses to wear a diaper (I always give them a choice) but will rip it off to use the potty off and on.

Well that's going to have to be it for now. I will post more later.

1 comment:

Dorinda said...

I'm so glad you are all okay!! Been missing your posts. Write ya soon...