Friday, April 18, 2008


This is my project for today. Our back porch is STILL loaded with stuff not unpacked from our move here in December. Just what is taking me so long, you might ask? Well this blog for one thing(my one hobby while the kids are napping).

Not to mention 3 little ones in diapers and a 3 year old that likes to help, but doesn't really help, instead makes things take even longer. That's why I titled it Procrastination. Something I'm very good at. But, today, I sent the kids off to Grandma's and I will tackle this once and for all. As soon as I finish this post.

I intend to make it into either a play room, which the kids would love, or our bedroom and Ashlyn can actually have a real bedroom, instead of sleeping in the hallway.

Then we have to spend money because it is a real porch and not weatherized. I will post after pictures and you can see what we decided to do.

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