Thursday, October 18, 2007

Has it been a year already?

I can't believe it has been since Aug. 3rd that I have posted. I guess I have been busy being a mom to 4 very active children. Brooke and Ryan are both walking now with Gaby not far behind. They are getting in to everything. It's been fun but I'll be happy when the colds and teething take a little time off.

We are so excited and shocked that the babies birthday is 3 weeks away. I thought Ashlyn's first year went quickly. In honor of this special occasion we are throwing a party for anyone who would like to come. We are having an open house type celebration on Sunday, Nov. 11, from 2-4 pm at the Corona community center. Everyone is welcome. We are serving cake and ice cream. I plan to put it in the paper also but wanted to give you all a heads up. We are not sending invitations because we want to invite everyone but don't want to send out 350 invitations. We hope to see you there.

I wanted to remember the highlights of this year, so here is a year in review.