Some of you may have noticed that I haven't posted in a while. Like over 2 weeks ago. Why? What have I been doing that is so important? Um......being a doting wife(ha ha), mother with the patience of a saint(cough), and an employee that has worn the soles off of her New Balance shoes. Well, not all the way off but the treads are starting to flatten.
When I come home from work, which has been getting later and later, I drop everything and grab a plate of whatever Lance has cooked up for the kids. Which is usually my first square meal of the day. If you can call pizza a square meal, its actually kind of round. One night he made a huge steak and I didn't even know about it. They ate it all before I got home.
The kids love to crawl up onto my lap....all 4 of them...and say "bite...bite". Then I say "no, mommy's food". Now Gaby says "no, mommy's
pood". After my lovely meal I usually change into pajamas and park my butt on the couch. I have been
soooo tired. I don't want to do anything. I do help put the kids to bed, which has to be some form of aerobic exercise and I'm thinking about making a video and selling it.
I then watch about 1.5 hours of TV and its off to bed. Where I have actually been
sleeping lately. Thanks to a little friend called
cyclobenzaprine. At least I think I've been sleeping. I used to take
Ambien and
unbeknowst to me, I was getting up in the night and doing things I did not remember the next day. Scary? Yes it is.
I started the
cyclobenzaprine for 2 reasons. One, to help me sleep and two, I have been having some muscle cramping for about a month now and have no idea why. I did go back to the
rheumatologist and she is convinced that I have
Fibromyalgia. I am still not 100% convinced and will probably keep searching for another, less permanent, condition. Preferably one that is curable with a tiny little pill, that has no side effects. Or maybe not a pill but something like.....I must not, under any circumstances, go anywhere near dirty laundry....or dishes either.
I really hate to talk about my health because I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me. Even the thought makes my skin crawl. I just wanted to let you all know so that you would understand if I don't always have the energy to keep my crazy life under control. I have to let some things slide. What do you think? Should it be keeping my kids bathed and fed and happy, or having a pristine house without dust bunnies in the corners and 3 baskets of folded (but not put away) laundry piled in my bathroom. And that's IF it gets folded. Thanks to my mom and Vicky, it sometimes does. I just can't be Mrs Perfect, even though I'd like to be.
If in the past or future I declined/decline an invitation or say no to something that I really should be doing, I either don't like you (rarely the case) or I just can't do it. So there, that's done. Now, who wants an update on the kids?
Potty training has been hit or miss lately. Mostly miss. We've decided that when we finally reach the end of this journey, we will reward ourselves with new furniture (preferable without urine). The carpet will have to be cleaned also. That's Lance's reward.
Gaby who was the one to start this endeavor and was showing the most promise has completely back pedaled. She either forgot how to pee in the potty or she is being obstinate. She is a German/Irish/Norwegian female, what do you think the answer to that question is?
Ryan is actually still letting us know once in a while that he has to pee and then producing pee in the potty. We thought he would be the last to be trained.
Brooke has had a couple of accidental deposits but mostly she just likes to be naked and strips as often as she can.
So I just go with the flow. At this rate they may be potty trained by 6
th grade. Now that would be some BIG diapers.
Wow that was much longer than I planned. I guess its 2 weeks worth.